Digitally Printed Wrap

Vehicle Wrap or Vehicle Graphics

A complete vehicle wrap is pictured here.  Might you say it is a substitute for repainting an entire car or truck?  At times, maybe even less expensive. Vehicle wraps are sometimes called vehicle graphics. For both small and large companies, vehicle advertising is the most cost-effective way to spend advertising dollars. Your message and branding can be displayed in full color and in very creative ways. Most likely the advertising will be seen by tens of thousands of people day and night, and many times at popular sporting events and other places where people are sure to gather.

Compare vehicle wraps to any other form of advertising!

Compare vehicle wraps and graphic wraps to other advertising mediums. Vehicle advertising have exposures over longer periods of time. This will result in the lowest cost per exposure!

Design is critical. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help!

Three out of four people who view your vehicle wrap will develop and this impression will have a lot to do with a buying impression.

Seventy-five percent of those who view your vehicle graphics will develop an impression of your company based on the appearance of your truck and twenty-nine percent will base their buying decisions on that same impression.

Use bright colors that will attract attention. Pay particular attention to your logos and photographs of products.

What, then are the most critical factors?

  • Your logo must be large and easy to read
  • Both your website and phone number are a must and be a part of your vehicle graphics
  • Using photographs? High resolution to show off your product
  • Quality installation. It will be viewed thousands of times each day
  • Call to action with an important message

5440 East Speedway Boulevard Tucson, Arizona 85712
(520) 795-7446

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday8:30 am – 5:30 am

Block A
Regional Transportation
City of Tucson
Tucson Medical Center
Pima County
Boys and Girls Club of Tucson