Engraving System

Routing System for Smaller Products

One of the methods used for fabricating ADA/Braille signs is call Raster® Braille Beads. Also used for smaller engraved parts.

This is part of an exclusive patented process to insert domed beads into sign that has been drilled by the routing device automatically.

The spring-loaded tip is designed to insert the Raster® Spheres at a time. The sphere are inserted into the hole and the plunger presses the sphere securely into the hole for instant ADA-Compliance.

Because of the smaller size of this routing table it is also used for smaller acrylic, PVC and metal parts.

5440 East Speedway Boulevard Tucson, Arizona 85712
(520) 795-7446
Block A
Regional Transportation
City of Tucson
Tucson Medical Center
Pima County
Boys and Girls Club of Tucson