Best Practices for Perfect Print Files: Guidelines for Obtaining Professional Results

Most of those that are visiting our store need some form of printed materials, whether it’s for apparel, signage, engraving, or anything else. Often, these businesses will outsource their printing needs to a professional printing company.
However, there are some best practices that businesses should follow to ensure that their print files are perfect and will result in professional results. This article will go over some of those best practices.

To help lay the groundwork for our blog, let’s go over some related terminology. Understanding these concepts will make it easier to digest the rest of this post and learn more about Graphic Impact’s print file gudelines.

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print File Terminology

1. Image Resolution. All images must be a minimum of 300 dpi for best results.

2. It’s important to convert all fonts to outlines in order to ensure the accuracy of your typeface during production. Outlining all fonts is recommended.

3. RGB is most often applied for digital displays, whereas CYMK is more suitable for printed mediums. While the conversion from RGB to CYMK may cause some discrepancies in hue reproduction, it’s necessary to guarantee accurate color representation on physical materials.

4. Print area size may vary depending on the specific product. As a general guideline, the standard print area for t-shirts is 12″ × 16″, while 11 oz. mugs are usually printed in an area of 9″ × 3.5″. Please note that these dimensions may be subject to change without prior notice.

5. At this time we are able to accept files in the following formats: PNG, JPEG and PSD. Please note that we may ask for specific file formats depending on the project requirements. If you have any questions about file formats, please don’t hesitate to contact us for clarification.


What you can do to assure Success of your Next Project

Your project success is contingent and has an intimate connection to the quality of the finished project; effectively, the better the print files and design, then higher the product quality. Designing superior print files is essential for maximizing sales potential.
One of the key factors that determine the quality of the print files is the resolution. The higher the resolution, the better the quality of the print. Therefore, it is essential to use high-resolution images for your print files.
In addition to resolution, color is also a crucial factor. The colors used in the design should be accurate and reflect the actual product. Moreover, it is essential to use a color model that is compatible with the printing process.
Moreover, it is essential to ensure that the print files are properly prepared for printing. The files should be set up in the correct size and have the proper bleed and margins (if required) to ensure that the design fits well on the product.

Our Conclusion

In conclusion, investing in quality print files is crucial for the success of an online store. By using high-resolution images, accurate colors, appropriate file formats, and proper preparation for printing, you can ensure that your products are of the highest quality and maximize your sales potential.

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